Disclaimer: The COVID-19 recommendations on these products are subject to change as federal regulations change. Please visit the CDC’s COVID-19 webpage for the most updated and recent guidelines.
COVID-19 Testing
This short PSA is part of a series that features Latino & indigenous farmworkers taking precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19. The entire series covers the following topics: COVID-19 testing and asymptomatic spread, seeing family safely during the pandemic, social distancing, COVID-19 prevention at home and at work, and COVID-19 vaccination.
COVID-19 Vaccine
This short PSA is part of a series that features Latino & indigenous farmworkers taking precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19. The entire series covers the following topics: COVID-19 testing and asymptomatic spread, seeing family safely during the pandemic, social distancing, COVID-19 prevention at home and at work, and COVID-19 vaccination.
COVID-19 Tips- Ways to Protect Yourself
A prevention pamphlet meant to share appropriate and adequate information on COVID-19 prevention tips.
Chicago PSA for Univision
This COVID-19 vaccine PSA (in Spanish) was aired on Univision TV and radio throughout the state of Illinois encouraging Latinos to get vaccinated.
Hombres Verdaderos
This 30-second Spanish video PSA titled “Hombres Verdaderos/Real Men” is about a Latino father making smart choices about COVID-19 to protect his family.