Disclaimer: The COVID-19 recommendations on these products are subject to change as federal regulations change. Please visit the CDC’s COVID-19 webpage for the most updated and recent guidelines.
Staying Healthy During COVID-19 is Trendy- Video
This cinematographic short video is of a young Latino man protecting himself and others from COVID-19 by following local COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
The Real Hot Shots-
Public Service Announcement
This short animated video advises Latinx/o youth to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
Masks Still Help Poster Series
These simple posters encourage the ongoing and proper use of masks to slow the spread of COVID-19 among students.
The Activist-
Public Service Announcement
This short PSA features local activist and influencer, Francis Madi, inspiring other young adults and members of the LGBTQIA+ Latinx community to show their leadership by getting vaccinated and/or boosted for COVID-19.
Strategic Masking Magnets
These small refrigerator magnets aim to advise people when to practice strategic masking when in populated regions, like NYC, using two styles of magnets.
COVID-19 Vaccine and Fertility Myths- Public Service Announcement
This short PSA (in Spanish only) aims to reduce myths and fears around the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy/fertility.