Therapeutics Distribution
The national map below displays those locations that have received shipments of monoclonal antibody therapeutics under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authority, within the past several weeks. 
The FDA offers a COVID-19 Social Media Toolkit that provides social media posts and graphics (in English and Spanish) on various COVID-19 topics.
PODER en SALUD Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit for Non-Government-Nonprofit Organizations
This toolkit is a compilation of useful resources and emergency preparedness plan templates that nonprofit organizations can use to prepare for and respond to emergencies that affect the health and safety of their employees and constituents.
Get Involved: Help end COVID-19
Clinical trials have helped develop treatments that have saved thousands of lives. Use a mix of the tools on this page to share why clinical trials are important for finding safe and effective COVID-19 treatments, and to inform your social and professional networks about how to join a clinical trial.
Soon the communities you serve will have access to vaccines to help protect against COVID-19. CDC has designed a toolkit to help community-based organizations (CBOs) educate communities about this important new prevention tool.
Communication Strategies for Social Justice
A progressive communications hub with expertise in social justice and equity, hosted a workshop and provided technical assistance for environmental justice organization grantees of the National Environmental Health Partnership Council’s Advancing Environmental Justice through Technical Assistance Mini-Grants Program.
COVID-19 Health Equity Toolkit for Food Industry Workers
The CDC Foundation has created a Food Worker COVID-19 Health Safety Toolkit to support the frontline food industry workers who continue to work while facing the Covid-19 pandemic daily in the workplace.
If you are creating your own education campaign, check out our sermons and Bible guides as well as our answers to key COVID-19 questions.
This bilingual toolkit has a list of simple but general messages on COVID-19 meant to be shared with those in your local community.
Este kit de herramientas bilingüe tiene una lista de mensajes simples pero generales en COVID-19 destinados a ser compartidos en tu comunidad local.
The CDC has provided a toolkit to help employers educate their essential workers about this important new prevention tool.