Share your COVID-19 Pandemic Story
The pandemic has affected our lives in many ways; tell us how the pandemic has impacted you, your loved ones, and your community.
Share your story, with photos, videos, and stories detailing how COVID-19 has affected your physical and mental health, employment, housing, education, and relationships, and overall life. Sharing your story will not only help other people understand how the pandemic has impacted Latinos lives but will demonstrate to the world that Latinos are not alone and that we are a community.
Submit a story completing the following prompts:
(You can record yourself on your phone or send us a written testimony)
My name is and I am from….
The ways that COVID-19 has impacted my life is….
My thoughts about the COVID-19 vaccine are….
Now that I have received the COVID-19 vaccine I feel….
One message I want to give my community about COVID-19 is….